歌名 Song name:An Anonymous Friend ( 匿名的好友)
演唱者 Singer:Rainie Yang (楊丞琳 )
歌曲創作人 Song writer:陳穎見
專輯 Album:Rainie & Love...? (2010)
中英歌詞對譯 English Translations
A breeze mixed with juniper and lily scent comes
It reminds me that the palpitation when we were so in love
天色好紅 溫柔好濃
The sky was red, our love was gentle
在胸口浮現 你的臉容
And now your face is floating to my mind
Lived in this city twisted like a maze together
提起你名字心還跳動 卻沒重逢
My heart still throbs when I'm calling your name, but we choose not to stay
只有想碰 卻又不敢碰的那種悸動
And agree to only let the excite and fear of turning back time leave in our minds
Perhaps we were really too young at that age
從那懵懵懂懂 走進各自天空
From being unmatured to stepping into each other's world
該怎麼說 讓彼此選擇
Maybe that is our silence understanding that we let each other go
But our tie will never be loosened
不能握的手 從此匿名的朋友
We are meant to be just an anonymous friend as we can't hold each other's hand anymore
其實我的執著 依然執著
As you know, I am still obstinate at some points
But now I have to stop crying without your accompaniment
不能握的手 卻比親人更親厚
We are meant to be just an anonymous friend but a friend closer than a family
但所有如果 都沒有如果
But this is no "but" at the end
只有失去的溫柔 最溫柔
Only the warmth of the losing warmth lasts
Again, sweet dream break
It reminds me that the palpitation when we were so in love
天色好紅 溫柔好濃
The sky was red, our love was gentle
在胸口浮現 你的臉容
And now your face is floating to my mind
Perhaps we were really too young at that age
從那懵懵懂懂 走進各自天空
From being unmatured to stepping into each other's world
該怎麼說 讓彼此選擇
Maybe that is our silence understanding that we let each other go
But that is more than just a respect
不能握的手 從此匿名的朋友
We are meant to be just an anonymous friend as we can't hold each other's hand anymore
其實我的執著 依然執著
As you know, I am still obstinate at some points
But now I have to stop crying without your accompaniment
不能握的手 卻比親人更親厚
We are meant to be just an anonymous friend but a friend closer than a family
但所有如果 都沒有如果
But this is no "but" at the end
只有失去的溫柔 最溫柔
Only the warmth of the losing warmth lasts
不能握的手 從此匿名的朋友
We are meant to be just an anonymous friend as we can't hold each other's hand anymore
其實我的執著 依然執著
As you know, I am still obstinate at some points
But now I have to leave you and pack it up to my new way alone
不能握的手 卻比愛人更長久
We are meant to be just an anonymous friend but a friend more perpetual than a lover
當所有如果 都沒有如果
But this no "but" at the end
只有失去的擁有 最永久
Only the love of the losing love lasts eternally
第一次把中文歌翻譯做英文,真的有點粗糙... 可是我真的好想把這首歌翻譯做英文能讓它可以被更多人聽到。說起來,我還和這首歌挺有緣份的,小時候因為家人非常愛聽這首歌,一播就放幾個月不停的那種,所以令我對這首歌印象很深。也因為今年小鬼的離開,讓我對這首歌有了更深一層的了解。可能感情就是有種無可奈何吧?看機緣、看場合、看時間,對不上一項,就真的錯過了。祝福看到這裏的朋友們,在生命也能少點這種遺憾吧。也推薦另一首英文歌 A Place Nearby by Lene Marlin 給在正在面對生離死別的朋友們一些慰藉吧。